With all this talk about Tiger Woods I though it would be appropriate to go out and find some Golf Ball Art Cars. Honestly I haven't even followed the news on the latest Tiger Woods Scandal and frankly I am bored already. But I am an opportunist and figured I get some hits by using Tiger Woods name over and over again so I decided to do a Golf Car vs Tiger Woods Career art car entry. All I found were three golf ball cars and golf ball car prank video that have nothing or maybe everything to do with Tiger Woods career. So what is it?
A-One giant golf ball crushed car or B-Tiger Wood's career getting crushed under the weight of his ego
A) Car destroyed by multiple golf balls at a golf range or B) Tiger Woods life takes a wrong turn?
A) Aerodynamic golf ball car or B) Tiger Wood flying through all this media attention unscathed?
A) Prank video of a car filled with golf balls or B) Tiger Wood's career falling apart?
The Iguana Art Car is a one of a kind art car and is for sale on ebay for only $2,500. It is a 2000 Dodge Caravan (with a trailer) that has been converted into a 42 ft iguana that gets a lot of attention everywhere it goes. Really? Wow had no idea that car like that would get so much attention. It took the artist 2 months to build it, and now they want to part with it. I love it.
You could never accuse this man of not having enough flair on his bike, with enough windmills to make a little on the side from PG&E. Photo was taken in Queen Alexandra, Edmonton, AB, Canada, the hat says it all.
I am not sure what this is but it has a Mad Max feel to it, on the extremely unsafe side of the spectrum. So there is no side, or rear impact protection but their is front end roll bar with a massive spare tire. Trunk space is minimal but the spare tire doubles up as a passenger seat with a fantastic view. I would say unsafe at any and all speeds with a rating of -10 but totally fun to drive around burning man, a rating of +10.
This fantastic Swing Set Car Budget Mod is brought to you by There, I fixed It, a very disturbing photo indeed. Its either a case of not wanting to break down the entire swing set to move it or the kids love to spice things up a bit by swinging while driving. Frankly this swing set is unsafe at any and all speeds.
Cosmic Groove Lizard Art Car - Guitar View Cosmic Groove Lizard Art Car - Lizard View Cosmic Groove Lizard Art Car - Closeup Hood View
I just got this great email today from Dave Harvey who created the Cosmic Groove Lizard Art Car as a result of reading Harrod Blanks book on Art Cars. He is also a musician, puppet maker and painter of guitars furniture and now a very beautiful and amazing art car. The copy below is his bio taken directly from his web site and be sure to go check out his web site for a peek at his other works of art.
Hello- David Hervey here. I am a painter and musician from Wilmington, NC. I grew up at the beach and have enjoyed art and music since a young age. I started my painting career shortly after graduating from ECU in the spring of 1997. My main media interests are in acrylic painting as well as mask and puppet making. Recently, I have started custom painting guitars to get a true one-of-a-kind instrument look. I draw my inspiration from God my creator, and from my awesome friends and family. I love to spark feelings of happiness in my paintings, though serious subject matter is often portrayed as well. Both realism and abstraction are captured in my works as I feel it helps to keep me balanced and never bored with my projects. I strive for my work to exhibit vibrancy, though not necessarily perfect realism. I enjoy impressionistic realism because it captures life’s beauty in an original, energetic way. People (specifically faces) are often expressed in my paintings and masks. I find humans to be very interesting subject matter. I consider harmony and balance to be very important in art and life in general. This makes life sweet and continually interesting… Until we meet again, may your journey be blessed… David Hervey Artist/Musician
I woke up this morning and glitter was on my mind so I remembered that Twinkle Twinkle Little Car was sent in by Nicole Strine some time ago and decided it was time to put her up on Art Car Central. This Honda Civic, I think, and is covered in thousands of cut up CD's donated by a few software companies in Texas. Nicole and her Husband spent about 6 years working on the car and unfortunately this beauty is not longer with us. After it was vandalized they scraped all the CD's off the car and some time later was broadsided at an intersection. May she put a twinkle in your eye today and may she live forever here on Art Car Central.
The world of "waste management disposal" has been for a very long time lacking in "aesthetics", but things are turning around. I was fortunate enough to find 15 of the worlds sexiest Garbage Art Trucks mostly here in the states but a few rising stars in foreign lands. Are we headed to the worlds first Garbage Art Truck Pageant? I am not sure yet, but we are headed in the right direction. So it is my honor to present this years 15 of the Worlds Sexiest Garbage Art Trucks Contestants.
The world of "waste management disposal" has been for a very long time lacking in "aesthetics", but things are turning around. I was fortunate enough to find 15 of the worlds sexiest Garbage Art Trucks mostly here in the states but a few rising stars in foreign lands. Are we headed to the worlds first Garbage Art Truck Pageant? I am not sure yet, but we are headed in the right direction. So it is my honor to present this years 15 of the Worlds Sexiest Garbage Art Trucks Contestants.