The reign of men is slowly coming to an end. Almost in every facet of modern society, women are slowly marking their territory. Gone are the where women were confined to their homes nursing the children and cooking dinner. Even in racing, women are slowly but surely making their mark. I know quite a few chicks that can beat guys at a race. These are the type of ladies that won’t take machismo lightly. They’re out to prove their mettle and assert their superiority. Me, I can’t find anything wrong with going up against a girl in a race. A win’s a win and a loss is a loss, regardless of gender. Some might take offense at being beaten by a girl. But, that’s because they’re looking at it the wrong way. They were beaten by a faster and more skilled competitor, that’s it.
So I say, bring them on. I love to see more females at the racing scene, and not just the ones for décor. Game on ladies!