it is still concept,but I think,it will be come true it will be amazing
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sport Cars
A sports car can be referred to as an automobile specifically intended for performance driving. Almost all sports cars are rear-wheel drive, possess two seats, two doors, and are intended for accurate handling, acceleration, and aesthetics. A sports car mainly aims at high-class road handling, braking, maneuverability, low weight, and high power, and not passenger space, comfort, and fuel saving.
Sports cars come under either luxurious or spartan, but the compelling aspect is the driving mechanical performance. Drivers consider brand name and the related racing reputation and history as important pointers of sporting versatility, but some brands, even though they do not indulge in racing or constructs racing cars, is also widely respected.
Sports cars come under either luxurious or spartan, but the compelling aspect is the driving mechanical performance. Drivers consider brand name and the related racing reputation and history as important pointers of sporting versatility, but some brands, even though they do not indulge in racing or constructs racing cars, is also widely respected.
Nissan skyline r32
Hello this is a really nice car by dkwheelsho Nissan skyline r32 hope you guys like this pics thanks again to DK Bye...

Friday, May 29, 2009
How to Polish Your Car
When a car is used for a long time, there must be some surface imperfections like swirl marks, light scratches. It's time for your car to be polished. But a machine polisher does not work so well, sometimes it even will scratch or damage the car's finish. As a result, many people choose to polish their car by themselves. To do this job, people can create the shine their desire.
EV Future: Nissan Electric Vehicle Prototype
A nice video showing the Nissan EV prototype and some usefull information. Counting down for series production.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
System automatic conditioning AAR
Combined with system of an automatic air conditioning the system automatic рециркуляции AAR guarantees, that all harmful impurity remain outside. For example, having found out in air оксид carbon, оксид nitrogen or ethanol, system automatically translates air central air in a mode time рециркуляции which will be included until the maintenance of harmful substances will not reach comprehensible level.
History of Sports Cars
Sports Car may be defined as a car with a sporty look, meaning an automobile which is short in height as compared to other cars to the extent that it almost touches the ground, having a powerful engine and light weight. A typical sports car has two seats, two doors, rear-wheel drive and with high speed. It is in fact a speedy car that needs to be handled quite efficiently and accurately. There are a number of popular companies that manufacture a perfect sports car like Ferrari, BMW’s mid-sized sports car, Porsche, Lotus etc.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
4 - Fast Sport Cars
Ford Mustangs are highly customizable sport cars and in recent years have shown many modifications to its design. The wheelbase in both versions (convertible and coupe) are 101.3 inches, the curb weight varies just a tiny bit from the convertible to the coupe models, the curb weight of a mustang 2 door convertible is 3257 pounds while the two door coupe is 3077 pounds. As far as fuel capacity both models, convertible and coupe can hold up to 15.4 gallons. Both models can comfortably accommodate 4 passengers.
As far as design, second and third Mustang generations were not as good as the first one but the machinery quality improved. Second and third generations range from 1974-1993. During the 1980s Mustangs were going through a hard transition when Ford announced that they would replace the rear-wheel drive Mustang with a Mazda-derived four wheel drive version, luckily for them and its clients the fourth generation of Mustangs came along, this generation of fords is almost as welcomed as the first due to the significant redesign this model went through.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
sumopoDRIFT =D look
OMG IS NOT PINK ~~~ ;O lol here is some new colors

it is not dream if you want to modification your car
this is not dream,it is true,you can make your car like this and show to your friend,your girlfriend,and you can spend your time with her
Consequences of world financial crisis

Consequences of world financial crisis have come and to manufacturers of bonus marks. Demand for cars Ferrari has decreased almost six times: from 600 cars traditional (recently) monthly to 92 cars which have been sold for last month. Besides, the management of the Italian mark does not exclude possibility of reduction of 300 employees, and also plans to declare a 20-day Christmas vacation for decrease in volumes of manufacture.
According to the British journalists, demand falling is observed not only on expensive 12-cylinder models Ferrari 612 Scaglietti and Ferrari 599 Fiorano, but also on more or less accessible family F430. And sales of the last have suffered also that soon in the market should there will be new model Ferrari - California, with practical rigid walking all and more traditional переднемоторной configuration.
However management Ferrari yet does not lose optimism. As they said, reduction in demand for sports cars in one markets (for example in Europe and the USA) will allow to redirect a part of quotas to the countries where there is a stable demand for the Italian cars - to China, Russia and others roughly emerging markets. Thereby, as Italians consider, they will manage to keep demand at pre-crisis level both in it, and next year.
slump in production

Legendary Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa (TR) 1957 of release has established a new world record among the cars sold from auction. To the owner the car has managed in 9 020 thousand euro. It is interesting, that the previous world record (then the car has been sold on almost 2 million euro more cheaply) too has been put on annual action Ferrari Leggenda e Passione.
Such cars are extremely seldom exposed on auction, therefore rates from known collectors in the different countries of the world were accepted even by phone. The car with chassis number 0714TR is known for that has gained in due time set of victories and finished the first on one thousand kilometres in Buenos Aires, in 1958.
Ferrari has informed, that she will not participate in races formula 1 in the following,

Ferrari has informed, that she will not participate in races formula 1 in the following, 2010 if new rules FIA (the World federation of cars) come into force. With the offer to boycott positions Ferrari has joined commands BMW-Sauber, McLaren-Mercedes, Red Bull, Toro Rosso and Renault.
By new rules FIA the command budget is limited by 60 million dollars (40 million pounds), not including marketing expenses. If representatives specify more modest budget it automatically grants to a command the right to an indulgence, thus, entering in Формулу-1 double standards. President FIA, Max Mosli (Max Mosley) considers, that it will help to lower a financial threshold for those who too wishes to take part in the championship.
the formula 1
79th international autoshow in Geneva

For 79th international autoshow in Geneva Ferrari has prepared at once two novelties: presentation of new sports package Handling GT Evoluzione (HGTE) for 599 GTB Fiorano and a world debut of model 599XX, focused on the limited group of clients.
The car 599XX includes the most advanced technologies applied both in civil cars, and in болидах F1. Many technological decisions are tested for the first time and developed directly under this model.
It is necessary to notice, that 599 GTB Fiorano with a sports package it is covered by a three-layer paint a red metallic (Rosso), and 599XX it is painted in colour F2008. At the stand all ruler civil Ferrari also will be presented: Scuderia Spider 16M, 430 Scuderia, two models Grand Tourer, California and 612 Scaglietti. Last will be shown in specially taken away zone where potential owners can familiarise with practically infinite list of possible options.
More in detail president Ferrari of Onions will tell about novelties ди Монтезимоло today, in the first day of work of an exhibition
Monday, May 25, 2009
Ferrari prepares all-wheel drive "hybrids"

Company Ferrari has sent the demand for reception of the patent for an all-wheel drive hybrid platform which can be used on cars with front or среднемоторной configuration. As writes British magazine Autocar, all Ferrari has developed six layout schemes for the installation.
Project Ferrari assumes, that the electromotors eating from batteries, will actuate wheels only one of axes, and other two wheels will be rotated by an internal combustion engine. Under plans of the Italian engineers, the moment from electromotors to wheels can be brought or by means of traditional differentials, or for these purposes two compact electric motors, placed in wheels will be used.
It is supposed, that in a usual situation "hybrid" will remain rear-wheel, and the moment on four wheels will move only on slippery coverings - such design will turn out easier and more compactly, than traditional all-wheel drive transmissions. Besides, at "hybrids" Ferrari will be two operating modes - "city" when the car gets under way and on small speeds (for example, in stoppers) moves exclusively at the expense of electrodraught, and "racing" in which the powerful petrol motor will be used, and the moment will be transferred only to back wheels.
At last, cars Ferrari in the future should receive system "stop start" which suppresses the engine at a stop on a traffic light or in a stopper.
Exact date of occurrence of first hybrid car Ferrari with a full drive yet is not called.
Full drive,
F 430

Company Ferrari has finished release superpenalty F430
The Italian manufacturer of sports cars Ferrari has finished manufacture of model F430, informs edition La Repubblica. The superpenalty is planned to sell last copy of it on Sunday at special auction in Маранелло, and the obtained means to direct on restoration of region Abrutstsio and its administrative centre Л'Акуилы which have most strongly suffered at the earthquake which has occurred in Italy on the night of April, 6th of this year.
Last copy Ferrari F430 will receive the two-coloured colouring of a body executed according to traditional colours of region Abrutstsio, and also the certificate signed by the president of the Italian company Onions ди Монтедземоло with gratitude for purchase of the car and, accordingly, the donation on restoration of the areas destroyed by earthquake. In the rest this car will differ nothing from standard суперкаров F430.
In September of current year on моторшоу in Frankfurt the successor of model F430 - F450 will be presented. As it was informed earlier, this of superpenalties will receive absolutely other body, new appearance and the eight-cylinder petrol engine in volume of 4,5 litres and capacity of 500 horsepowers which begins to be aggregated with seven-step "robot" with two couplings.
Sales Ferrari F450 in Europe will begin next year.
Cars Ferrari
Cars Ferrari already since far times are considered as one of the best cars of a sports class, meeting all requirements of reliability and professionalism of assemblage. In cars Ferrari all best technologies of company Ferrari have converged. Perhaps, it has not been thought up such novelty which would not enter into new lineup Ferrari.
Today, not looking for the immodest sum of cars Ferrari, the given technics отнбдь has not ceased to be popular both among women, and among the stronger sex.
Perhaps, on the Earth for today does not remain any person to whom would speak nothing such brand as Ferrari. According to interrogation in the United States which question sounded so "About what car you dream", 86 % of the population of the majority of states have answered: "it is final Ferrari". Only small part participating in interrogation have answered differently, as it is not surprising, after all it is already so much years Ferrari it is represented to us, as something unimaginable, submitting a reality.
"Ferrari" the Italian company on release of racing and elite cars. With 1989 is concern "FIAT" affiliated company ("ФИАТ"). The Headquarters is in Маранелло.
The company (its initial name was "Auto Avio Costruzioni") has been based in 1939 well-known racer and the verifier of cars "Alfa Romeo" ("Romeo's Alpha") Энцо a Ferrari. Originally it made the various equipment for cars. The cars made the company were issued under mark "Alfa Romeo". With this company the Ferrari had a contract. The first car carrying already actually a name "Ferrari" has appeared in 1946. It was model Ferrari 125, with the powerful 12-cylinder aluminium engine, called to realise dream of its founder: to give to the ordinary road car of property racing without infringement of comfortableness. As the trade mark of firm Entso of a Ferrari has selected a skipping stallion on a yellow background.
By the end 1947 there were already two updatings of engine "Ferrari", and its working volume has grown at model Ferrari 166 to 1995 sm ³. Next year own command "Ferrari" has won for the first time in races Mille-Milja and Targa-Florio. 1949 has brought to a command and new triumph in the same competitions, and hardly later a victory in race "Twenty four hours Le Mans".
In 1951 appears этапная model Ferrari 340 America with the engine originally developed for Ferrari GT with working volume of 4,1 litres. In 1953 the same car is equipped with the engine in volume of 4,5 litres and receives a new name - Ferrari 375 America. The same year "Ferrari" represents Ferrari 250 Europa, with the three-litre engine.
In total to the beginning 1954 Энцо a Ferrari has let out about 200 cars in an is exclusive-road variant and 250 racing models. Creating the road cars, a Ferrari addressed to the different design companies, doing the models unlike against each other. But model Ferrari 250 GT has begun 1954 long-term and most fruitful cooperation with company "Пининфарина" which as well as possible has arranged the bodies to new короткобазным the chassis at which the leading back axis has been suspended on springs.
Already model Ferrari 250 GT have let out not only as a compartment, but also a cabriolet, and appeared in 1959 Ferrari 250 GT California, made to order, - the bright sample of open model Ferrari 250 GT sports type. In 1958 "Пининфарина" has created for model Ferrari 250 GT bodies of specifically angular form: these cars equipped with the 12-cylinder engine, and outwardly made impression of huge power, ideally obedient to any desires of the owners.
Models Ferrari 375 America and replaced it in 1956 Ferrari 410 Super America (them it has been let out only 14) intended for "mighty of this world": their design cast sensation of force and a self-trust.
With 1957 on 1962 was issued altered Ferrari 250 GT California with rapaciously pointed profile and a demountable roof. This car has gained the first victory in races Tourist Trophy 1960 on line Гудвуд.
"Ferrari" the most remembered cars 1960 belong: 250GT in 1960 has been transformed in фастбек 250GTE with a body "2+2", elegant and popular on which base in 1964 has been created Ferrari 330GT "2+2" with the four-litre motor and original "mowing" headlights. Unsurpassed remained womanly-graceful, prompt Berlinetta Lusso 1962, accelerating momentum over 225 km/h. On change Ferrari 330GT "2+2" in 1967 has come Ferrari 365GT "2+2" with a self-balanced back suspension bracket and the steering amplifier. In 1971 it more strict has replaced according to spirit of the age Ferrari 365 GT4.
In 1966 firm has developed the new V-shaped engine originating in racing motors: 12-cylinder, четырехкулачковый, with two camshafts in each head of cylinders, system of greasing with dry картером, provided high twisting moment and the flexibility, 300 h.p. having capacity In 1968 "Ferrari" has let out legendary Ferrari 365GTB/4 Daytona, with a forward arrangement of the 4,4-litre V-shaped 12-cylinder engine, capacity of 352 h.p., developing superspeed - 282 km/h. This model outwardly constrained and functional, is the most high-speed in the world car and, certainly, its advertising estimation as "the best in the world" is not too far from true.
Has in the early seventies appeared delightful Dino with it is central the located engine of manufacture "FIAT" - V-shaped 6-cylinder; the model was issued and in a 8-cylinder variant, but the 6-cylinder model is considered classical.
The model 365GT4, or Berlinetta Boxer, 1971 of release, had many lines of racing cars "Ferrari": its engine in working volume of 4,4 litres could accelerate momentum 275 km/h; it has been located horizontally in the middle of a body, and the transmission for more rational use of internal volume of a body settled down under the motor. The chassis also made use of experience of racing cars: a spatial tubular frame and steel panels of a body. On the basis of Ferrari 308 GT4 elegant models with bodies "Пининфарина" became; equipped with V-shaped 8-cylinder engines, they drew attention of buyers prior to the beginning 1980.
Having established horizontal 12-cylinder motor Boxer of racing model Ferrari 512 BB on Ferrari Testarossa, the company has created the massive heavy car meeting the most exacting requirements as sportsmen-racers and "зведных" of clients. The bright bright design "Пининфарины" bore in itself quintessence of advertising spirit, and its founder achieved not only an outer effect: ridge lateral воздухоприемники, the imitators which have found set, served for air giving in the lateral radiators which have replaced forward radiator Ferrari 512 BB. Technical indicators of model also were faultless: five-litre engine Ferrari Testarossa, with four valves on the cylinder, reached capacities of 390 h.p., and its maximum speed - 274 km/h.
In 1987 founder of company Entso of a Ferrari has headed collective of the designers who have prepared model F40, designated as "the sum of efforts of the company for years of its existence". Beginning F40 conducts from GTO 1984 and, at first sight, has much in common with Ferrari 308GTB, however has essential technical innovations: the turbo-supercharging, the V-shaped 8-cylinder engine longitudinal (instead of cross-section) the arrangements, established on the tubular frame strengthened by bearing panels from кевлара, of 478 h.p. - all says supercapacity that former there was only a configuration. The body of this supermodel is executed from углеволокна and кевлара, and its close salon quite answers sports essence of the car: in it there is no even a mechanism for adjustment of seats. Amazing technical characteristics and any comfort here the motto 1118-kilogramme Ferrari F40: The rigid suspension bracket did not absorb road roughnesses, the wheel responded to each hollow, and the magnificent motor showed infinite power. Exacting, uncontrollably vigorous and attractive - last child of the founder of firm became such.
Compartment Ferrari 360 Modena in 1999 were beaten off"by a part of buyers at more expensive model Ferrari 550 Maranello and in 2000 on the basis of Maranello party Ferrari 550 Barchetta is let out.
Company "Ferrari" cars, with 1969 supervised by corporation "FIAT", and with 1989 definitively departed to corporation, are reputed as the most expensive in the world. Each of them is a legend.
To 1981 racing cars "Ferrari" were under construction in Маранелло, about 1982 factory has constructed nearby Фиорано a test line, with an infrastructure which specialises on working out and manufacture болидов Formulas 1. In 1972 the line near to factory has been constructed. In 1988 "Ferrari" has bought a line "Mugello" about Florence, having reconstructed it and having replaced a cloth. Now it is one of the best lines in the world and on it competitions on auto-and to motorcycle sport of the highest level are held. Its length of 5,345 m.
In 2002 lineup of this mark has replenished with cars of a series of 575 M Maranello and new суперкаром which premiere has taken place at the World automobile exhibition in Paris.
Today, not looking for the immodest sum of cars Ferrari, the given technics отнбдь has not ceased to be popular both among women, and among the stronger sex.
Perhaps, on the Earth for today does not remain any person to whom would speak nothing such brand as Ferrari. According to interrogation in the United States which question sounded so "About what car you dream", 86 % of the population of the majority of states have answered: "it is final Ferrari". Only small part participating in interrogation have answered differently, as it is not surprising, after all it is already so much years Ferrari it is represented to us, as something unimaginable, submitting a reality.
"Ferrari" the Italian company on release of racing and elite cars. With 1989 is concern "FIAT" affiliated company ("ФИАТ"). The Headquarters is in Маранелло.
The company (its initial name was "Auto Avio Costruzioni") has been based in 1939 well-known racer and the verifier of cars "Alfa Romeo" ("Romeo's Alpha") Энцо a Ferrari. Originally it made the various equipment for cars. The cars made the company were issued under mark "Alfa Romeo". With this company the Ferrari had a contract. The first car carrying already actually a name "Ferrari" has appeared in 1946. It was model Ferrari 125, with the powerful 12-cylinder aluminium engine, called to realise dream of its founder: to give to the ordinary road car of property racing without infringement of comfortableness. As the trade mark of firm Entso of a Ferrari has selected a skipping stallion on a yellow background.
By the end 1947 there were already two updatings of engine "Ferrari", and its working volume has grown at model Ferrari 166 to 1995 sm ³. Next year own command "Ferrari" has won for the first time in races Mille-Milja and Targa-Florio. 1949 has brought to a command and new triumph in the same competitions, and hardly later a victory in race "Twenty four hours Le Mans".
In 1951 appears этапная model Ferrari 340 America with the engine originally developed for Ferrari GT with working volume of 4,1 litres. In 1953 the same car is equipped with the engine in volume of 4,5 litres and receives a new name - Ferrari 375 America. The same year "Ferrari" represents Ferrari 250 Europa, with the three-litre engine.
In total to the beginning 1954 Энцо a Ferrari has let out about 200 cars in an is exclusive-road variant and 250 racing models. Creating the road cars, a Ferrari addressed to the different design companies, doing the models unlike against each other. But model Ferrari 250 GT has begun 1954 long-term and most fruitful cooperation with company "Пининфарина" which as well as possible has arranged the bodies to new короткобазным the chassis at which the leading back axis has been suspended on springs.
Already model Ferrari 250 GT have let out not only as a compartment, but also a cabriolet, and appeared in 1959 Ferrari 250 GT California, made to order, - the bright sample of open model Ferrari 250 GT sports type. In 1958 "Пининфарина" has created for model Ferrari 250 GT bodies of specifically angular form: these cars equipped with the 12-cylinder engine, and outwardly made impression of huge power, ideally obedient to any desires of the owners.
Models Ferrari 375 America and replaced it in 1956 Ferrari 410 Super America (them it has been let out only 14) intended for "mighty of this world": their design cast sensation of force and a self-trust.
With 1957 on 1962 was issued altered Ferrari 250 GT California with rapaciously pointed profile and a demountable roof. This car has gained the first victory in races Tourist Trophy 1960 on line Гудвуд.
"Ferrari" the most remembered cars 1960 belong: 250GT in 1960 has been transformed in фастбек 250GTE with a body "2+2", elegant and popular on which base in 1964 has been created Ferrari 330GT "2+2" with the four-litre motor and original "mowing" headlights. Unsurpassed remained womanly-graceful, prompt Berlinetta Lusso 1962, accelerating momentum over 225 km/h. On change Ferrari 330GT "2+2" in 1967 has come Ferrari 365GT "2+2" with a self-balanced back suspension bracket and the steering amplifier. In 1971 it more strict has replaced according to spirit of the age Ferrari 365 GT4.
In 1966 firm has developed the new V-shaped engine originating in racing motors: 12-cylinder, четырехкулачковый, with two camshafts in each head of cylinders, system of greasing with dry картером, provided high twisting moment and the flexibility, 300 h.p. having capacity In 1968 "Ferrari" has let out legendary Ferrari 365GTB/4 Daytona, with a forward arrangement of the 4,4-litre V-shaped 12-cylinder engine, capacity of 352 h.p., developing superspeed - 282 km/h. This model outwardly constrained and functional, is the most high-speed in the world car and, certainly, its advertising estimation as "the best in the world" is not too far from true.
Has in the early seventies appeared delightful Dino with it is central the located engine of manufacture "FIAT" - V-shaped 6-cylinder; the model was issued and in a 8-cylinder variant, but the 6-cylinder model is considered classical.
The model 365GT4, or Berlinetta Boxer, 1971 of release, had many lines of racing cars "Ferrari": its engine in working volume of 4,4 litres could accelerate momentum 275 km/h; it has been located horizontally in the middle of a body, and the transmission for more rational use of internal volume of a body settled down under the motor. The chassis also made use of experience of racing cars: a spatial tubular frame and steel panels of a body. On the basis of Ferrari 308 GT4 elegant models with bodies "Пининфарина" became; equipped with V-shaped 8-cylinder engines, they drew attention of buyers prior to the beginning 1980.
Having established horizontal 12-cylinder motor Boxer of racing model Ferrari 512 BB on Ferrari Testarossa, the company has created the massive heavy car meeting the most exacting requirements as sportsmen-racers and "зведных" of clients. The bright bright design "Пининфарины" bore in itself quintessence of advertising spirit, and its founder achieved not only an outer effect: ridge lateral воздухоприемники, the imitators which have found set, served for air giving in the lateral radiators which have replaced forward radiator Ferrari 512 BB. Technical indicators of model also were faultless: five-litre engine Ferrari Testarossa, with four valves on the cylinder, reached capacities of 390 h.p., and its maximum speed - 274 km/h.
In 1987 founder of company Entso of a Ferrari has headed collective of the designers who have prepared model F40, designated as "the sum of efforts of the company for years of its existence". Beginning F40 conducts from GTO 1984 and, at first sight, has much in common with Ferrari 308GTB, however has essential technical innovations: the turbo-supercharging, the V-shaped 8-cylinder engine longitudinal (instead of cross-section) the arrangements, established on the tubular frame strengthened by bearing panels from кевлара, of 478 h.p. - all says supercapacity that former there was only a configuration. The body of this supermodel is executed from углеволокна and кевлара, and its close salon quite answers sports essence of the car: in it there is no even a mechanism for adjustment of seats. Amazing technical characteristics and any comfort here the motto 1118-kilogramme Ferrari F40: The rigid suspension bracket did not absorb road roughnesses, the wheel responded to each hollow, and the magnificent motor showed infinite power. Exacting, uncontrollably vigorous and attractive - last child of the founder of firm became such.
Compartment Ferrari 360 Modena in 1999 were beaten off"by a part of buyers at more expensive model Ferrari 550 Maranello and in 2000 on the basis of Maranello party Ferrari 550 Barchetta is let out.
Company "Ferrari" cars, with 1969 supervised by corporation "FIAT", and with 1989 definitively departed to corporation, are reputed as the most expensive in the world. Each of them is a legend.
To 1981 racing cars "Ferrari" were under construction in Маранелло, about 1982 factory has constructed nearby Фиорано a test line, with an infrastructure which specialises on working out and manufacture болидов Formulas 1. In 1972 the line near to factory has been constructed. In 1988 "Ferrari" has bought a line "Mugello" about Florence, having reconstructed it and having replaced a cloth. Now it is one of the best lines in the world and on it competitions on auto-and to motorcycle sport of the highest level are held. Its length of 5,345 m.
In 2002 lineup of this mark has replenished with cars of a series of 575 M Maranello and new суперкаром which premiere has taken place at the World automobile exhibition in Paris.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Cheap Motor Car Insurance
You know the basics about getting cheap motor car insurance. Drive a safe motor car, and park your motor car in a safe location. Purchase a motor car with anti-lock brakes, air bags, and automatic safety belts. Add certain features to the motor car that might not be present, such as anti-theft systems. Avoid traffic citations and accidents by driving cautiously and obeying the traffic rules, and nurture your driving record. Even purchasing your motor car insurance policy from the same insurance company you purchase another type of insurance policy can help you obtain cheap motor car insurance.
But did you know that making certain changes to your motor car can actually increase your motor car insurance premiums? People who make modifications to their motor cars, such as replacing the engine with one that has more horsepower, adding a spoiler to the motor car, or even changing the color of the motor car sometimes end up paying higher motor car insurance premiums than those people who do not make such modifications.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Car Audio Mistakes
Another thing to consider is how much of the car is going to need to be modified for your potential choices. For example some speaker installation will require many modifications to be made to the car. Modifications will need to be made by a professional and therefore you will have to budget into the total cost of the car audio system parts as well as labor. Another car audio systems mistake is that the owner of the car does not think about the future. How long are you going to keep the car for? Will you sell the car with the new audio system or will you remove it before sale? Remember audio systems never increase the value of a car enough to balance what was spent on the audio system in the first place. Also, if you plan on remove the system before you sell the car that could be problematic. Having a radio and an audio system are high priorities when people are searching for a new car to buy.
When and for what do you use the car for? If the car sees a lot of use as well as wear and tear then buying higher quality components like speakers is a great idea. Understandably if you are spending more time in your car then at home you want to make sure it is as comfortable and entertaining as possible. However, if the car is only used for weekly shopping, low end parts are more appropriate.
Another car audio system mistake people make is choosing a system which is not appropriate for the type of music they listen too. This is probably the most important factor which should influence the choice of the right car audio system. If the music that you enjoy is strong bass beats then a high end power amplifier is needed. Also, subwoofers would also be a good choice. However, if your music choice is at the opposite end of the music range then you will need a different audio system setup. For example, if you listen to classical music or trendy pop music, you will need to get a car audio that has a strong speaker system that offer even play of the sound spectrum.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Glow in the Dark Paint

Glow in the dark paint works by absorbing light and then releasing it, creating the glow in the dark effect while other types use self-emitting light technology. This type of paint can be used on many surfaces to make them glow when the lights are turned off. You are sure to get this kind of paint in party supply stores. Its used for illuminating surfaces for parties, hobby stores, or in any department store in your area. You are sure to get them from online as well as offline stores.
Glow in the dark paint has sufficiently found use in model rockets. These rockets are painted with this paint in order to launch them at night and find them. Parents can create glow in the Dark Stars in children rooms to create the impressions of galaxies. They could also be used on Silhouette Walls, RC Airplanes, Vehicle Painting, t-shirts, fishing lures, police flashlight, glow cars, candles and dot rooms
among many other uses.
Pink Dainasour AE86 by Felix Drift
Hello Another pink car LOL this car is not for download sorry here are some picture tho Comment :D

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Car Modifications - Tuned for Show
it will be like your car if you want to modification your car
Fashion and art, public appearance or even the simple act of meeting new people – it is all about the show. To show how you feel and how you think – to let others see your best, to let them understand you and appreciate you for everything you are. And today in the environment of this ever-changing World your car is more than your safe ride to designated destinations.
Your car is a part of your life style. It is the first impression of you when coming to a new place. And the look of it shows to others who you are and what you like.
Maybe this is exactly the reason why so many people try to give their cars a unique look - just as unique as they are. And tuning the car is maybe the perfect approach for this.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Gmc Body Kits—steps for a Stylish Vehicle
There will come a time in our lives when we will abhor the common, and strive, through our own creativity, to be different. But how do you make your GMC truck different among the rest? Simple, get a GMC body kit.
Getting a GMC body kit will surely make your vehicle look cooler and more stylish. The demand for body kits have grown and more and more people are gearing towards self expression using their cars as medium. Body kits are exterior modifications of cars and can instantly make a car more stylish and personalized.
Body kits are usually composed of four parts: one front bumper, a pair of sideskirts, and one rear bumper. Body kits are made of either urethane or fiberglass and each body kit is created to suit one specific model.—So if you are going to order a body kit, you absolutely have to make sure that it fits the model and exact specifications of your vehicle. Otherwise, you will be wasting good money.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Since its launch in 1973, the Honda Civic has been one of the most popular compact cars sold in America. Its success can be attributed to its consistently high level of fit and finish and an impressive reputation for reliability and low running costs. High fuel economy, environmental awareness and engaging performance have also played a large role in making the Honda Civic a top choice for many Americans.
The current Civic is the best yet. It is the most powerful and the most fuel-efficient, and comes in a wide range of models. It is also the most radically designed Civic to date, inside and out. For small car shoppers looking for a used vehicle, the Civic is again a smart choice, as its long
production run and wide range of models make it easy to find what you want.
Current Honda Civic
The current Civic is available as a coupe or sedan. Both styles share five main trim levels: base DX, LX, EX, EX-L and Si. The sedan also features DX Value Package, LX-S, Hybrid and GX trim levels. All trims get a broad range of safety features, such as antilock brakes, front-seat side airbags and full-length side curtain airbags. In terms of premium features, the DX is pretty limited, and you'll have to jump up to the higher trims to get amenities such as air-conditioning and power accessories.
All trims but the Si are powered by a 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine, which makes 140 horsepower. A five-speed manual transmission is standard and a five-speed automatic is optional. Driving enthusiasts might want to take a look at the Civic Si. Offered in both coupe and sedan body styles, the Si is powered by a high-revving 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine that pumps out 197 hp. It comes exclusively with a close-ratio six-speed manual transmission.
The Civic GX is powered by a 113-hp 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine that runs on clean-burning compressed natural gas. The Civic Hybrid features Honda's latest Integrated Motor Assist system, which consists of a 1.3-liter four-cylinder gas engine and a 20-hp electric motor. Total output is 110 hp. The Hybrid comes exclusively with a continuously variable transmission (CVT) and its EPA-estimated fuel economy is 40 mpg city and 45 mpg highway.
In reviews and road tests, our editors
found the Honda Civic to be a well-rounded car. Inside, this Civic has a dramatic-looking interior that features a two-tier dashboard layout. A digital speedometer sits on top of the dash, while the tachometer sits underneath. Honda has tuned the coupe to feel sportier than the sedan. Both are fun to drive, with quick steering and impressive handling. The 1.8-liter engine won't overwhelm anyone, but it provides enough power for comfortable city driving. The Hybrid gets fantastic fuel mileage, and the GX is impressively clean, but both suffer from slow acceleration.
Past Honda Civics
The current Honda Civic represents the eighth generation of this popular car, first introduced for the 2006 model year. All current body styles and trim combinations were available that year, except for the Si sedan, which debuted for '07. The following year saw a limited-edition Mugen Si model and the addition of a leather upholstery option. For '09, the LX-S and DX Value Package trims debuted along with a minor exterior refreshening.
Previous to the current model was the seventh-generation Honda Civic,
which was sold from 2001-'05. There were coupe and sedan body styles as well as a two-door hatchback. Honda offered its typical mainstream trims -- DX, LX and EX -- plus a few specialty trims such as VP, HX, SE and Hybrid. The hatchback came only in the Si trim. Most models had a 1.7-liter engine good for 117 hp or 127 hp (EX). The Civic Hybrid mated an 85-hp 1.3-liter four-cylinder gas engine to a 13-hp electric motor and offered the best fuel economy of the lineup. The Civic Si produced 160 hp from its 2.0-liter engine. At the time, we commented favorably about the car's fuel-efficient engines, roomy interior and top safety scores but were disappointed by the limited availability of antilock brakes.
Sold from 1996-2000, the sixth-generation Civic was in many ways a
refinement of the style and technology found on the previous generation. Coupe, sedan and hatchback body styles were available. Sedans were offered in DX, LX and EX trim levels. Engine choices were a 1.6-liter good for 106 hp in the DX and LX or 127 hp in the VTEC-equipped EX. There was also a higher-fuel-economy coupe, the 115-hp HX. Honda didn't release an Si trim until 1999. Based on the coupe body style, the Si was powered by a high-performance 1.6-liter engine tuned to put out 160 hp.
Honda's VTEC technology first appeared in the fifth-generation Civic, which was sold from 1992-'95. The Civic VX featured a fuel-efficient 92-hp 1.5-liter four-cylinder with VTEC-E. More powerful was the 125-hp 1.6-liter four-cylinder VTEC engine found in the Civic Si and EX sedan trims. First sold only in hatchback and sedan body styles, the fifth-gen Honda Civic got two coupe trims in 1993, the DX and EX. The lower CX and DX trims each had a 70-hp 1.5-liter four-cylinder engine.
The current Civic is the best yet. It is the most powerful and the most fuel-efficient, and comes in a wide range of models. It is also the most radically designed Civic to date, inside and out. For small car shoppers looking for a used vehicle, the Civic is again a smart choice, as its long

Current Honda Civic
The current Civic is available as a coupe or sedan. Both styles share five main trim levels: base DX, LX, EX, EX-L and Si. The sedan also features DX Value Package, LX-S, Hybrid and GX trim levels. All trims get a broad range of safety features, such as antilock brakes, front-seat side airbags and full-length side curtain airbags. In terms of premium features, the DX is pretty limited, and you'll have to jump up to the higher trims to get amenities such as air-conditioning and power accessories.
All trims but the Si are powered by a 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine, which makes 140 horsepower. A five-speed manual transmission is standard and a five-speed automatic is optional. Driving enthusiasts might want to take a look at the Civic Si. Offered in both coupe and sedan body styles, the Si is powered by a high-revving 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine that pumps out 197 hp. It comes exclusively with a close-ratio six-speed manual transmission.

The Civic GX is powered by a 113-hp 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine that runs on clean-burning compressed natural gas. The Civic Hybrid features Honda's latest Integrated Motor Assist system, which consists of a 1.3-liter four-cylinder gas engine and a 20-hp electric motor. Total output is 110 hp. The Hybrid comes exclusively with a continuously variable transmission (CVT) and its EPA-estimated fuel economy is 40 mpg city and 45 mpg highway.
In reviews and road tests, our editors

Past Honda Civics
The current Honda Civic represents the eighth generation of this popular car, first introduced for the 2006 model year. All current body styles and trim combinations were available that year, except for the Si sedan, which debuted for '07. The following year saw a limited-edition Mugen Si model and the addition of a leather upholstery option. For '09, the LX-S and DX Value Package trims debuted along with a minor exterior refreshening.
Previous to the current model was the seventh-generation Honda Civic,

Sold from 1996-2000, the sixth-generation Civic was in many ways a

Honda's VTEC technology first appeared in the fifth-generation Civic, which was sold from 1992-'95. The Civic VX featured a fuel-efficient 92-hp 1.5-liter four-cylinder with VTEC-E. More powerful was the 125-hp 1.6-liter four-cylinder VTEC engine found in the Civic Si and EX sedan trims. First sold only in hatchback and sedan body styles, the fifth-gen Honda Civic got two coupe trims in 1993, the DX and EX. The lower CX and DX trims each had a 70-hp 1.5-liter four-cylinder engine.
car of the year,
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NEW SakuraFantasy v.2by Felix-Drift
[!]NEW FIXED[!]SakuraFantasy v.2 gives Gta a anime/manga look with a clear sky and some nice trees this trees are everywhere in the map.

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SakuraFantay v2.rarMediafire
Get a Hho Gas Water Car Modification
If you are sick of paying four bucks a gallon for gas and getting poor gas mileage then there is a new alternative that has been a real big gas saver. HHO Gas Modification can double your gas mileage when added to your car. One of the best environmentally friendly items that you can put on your car to burn clean gas and water mix fuel. HHO is revolutionizing the way to get great fuel economy and with gas going up every day, this product can save you a lot of money in fuel prices.
Double Gas Mileage Today
The average fuel cost per driver is now over one thousand dollars a year and that amount will be going up as our dependency of oil keeps growing. Gas has historically gone up and then fallen back down in price but now with the price of oil being bid up it seems like we are now experiencing a shift in economy.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Run Your Car on Water - Scam
There are many articles on the web which says Run your car on water! Now we may ask ourselves is it really possible to run a car on water? Can it really double the gas mileage and still get up to 25% more power without any major alteration in the present engine? The answer to all these questions is YES!
Just imagine how good it feels to pull into that gas station half as much as usual thereby, realizing how much money we are not spending on gas. It feels great, both personally and financially! Sometimes it may seem crazy to even think of mixing gasoline and water. But according to the fact, hydrogen and oxygen (water), and gasoline mix well and explosively in their gaseous states. The electrical system of the car is used to turn oxygen and hydrogen into gases through the action of electrolysis of water. Now the engine injects the oxygen and hydrogen gas into an air mixture which the gasoline already combines with, allowing the piston of the engine to compress the mixture and the spark plugs to ignite it. This is how a car runs on water!
Just imagine how good it feels to pull into that gas station half as much as usual thereby, realizing how much money we are not spending on gas. It feels great, both personally and financially! Sometimes it may seem crazy to even think of mixing gasoline and water. But according to the fact, hydrogen and oxygen (water), and gasoline mix well and explosively in their gaseous states. The electrical system of the car is used to turn oxygen and hydrogen into gases through the action of electrolysis of water. Now the engine injects the oxygen and hydrogen gas into an air mixture which the gasoline already combines with, allowing the piston of the engine to compress the mixture and the spark plugs to ignite it. This is how a car runs on water!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Car Design Can Worsen Whiplash
Drivers have been warned to take as much care about their headrest positions as they do about wearing their seatbelt by car industry experts.
This is in response to research carried out by Thatcham which looked at car design and whiplash injury. They also report that last year saw the biggest improvement in car design with 80% of seats made in Europe getting a ‘good’ or ‘acceptable’ scoring. Only 16% of seats achieved this is in 2005 and in 2002 25% of all cars would not provide whiplash protection.
Peter Roberts, chief executive at Thatcham, said: “The majority of vehicle manufacturers have already incorporated geometrically correct designs that offer good protection. It is clear, however, that certain vehicle manufacturers need to make improvements to fall within the internationally recognised standards.”
The Ultimate Guide to Modified Car Insurance
Car modification is an area I have dabbled in myself and I must confess to finding great enjoyment in it. There will always be those who see anyone who modifies their car as a “Boy” or “Girl” racer. Of course, this may be the case for some, but others spend a huge amount of time and money on their beloved cars. The last thing on their mind would be driving dangerously and jeopardising the safety of their most precious item.
The modifying of your car can provide a welcomed focus and is certainly very enjoyable. There are many hobbies that appear superficially to follow a similar theme. Modifying a Pc and adding the latest parts, such as a new processor to increase performance is very similar to adding a new component to a car to increase speed and performance. Indeed, it can be said that to many of us, most things in life can come down to speed or performance in one way or another.
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