- Begin with the end in mind. As cliché as this might sound, it actually works wonders when modding your car. Always visualize the finished look. Avoid buying parts because they look cool. They may look cool separately but they may not go together with everything else.
- Choose your niche and stick to it. Create a sort of theme. Choose if you want to go colorful or two-tone or single color. Avoid having to mix different elements together or you may end up with a car looking like it’d be perfect for the local circus.
- Buy quality kits. Cheap ones are easily revealed for what they really are. They’ll end up making your car look…well, cheap.
- Buy from known manufacturers. Big manufacturers usually carry a guarantee whereas those shady ones may not. You don’t want to end up is a situation where you receive a scratched or defective product and not get your cash back or a replacement.
- Don’t skimp out on the essentials. Look, you got into this thing. You might as well go all the way. Half-hearted attempts are easily reflected by the finished product.
- Get parts that match the cars design. Just because the movie “alien” looked cool doesn’t mean objects from the movie will look great on your car. Again, visualize if the product would look cool on the car.
There are tons of things that I’d like to put on this list. However, I think these will do for now. Look, you have to be a great medium in your car’s transformation from stock to greatness. Think of it like raising a child. There are different models, each of them has their own unique quality, just because a side skirt design looks great on a Miata doesn’t mean it would be the same for a Skyline. As your car’s father, it’s up to you to take all of these different elements and combine them for your car to “grow” beautifully. It’s entirely up to you whether the car grows into a beautiful swan or doom it to remain an ugly duckling until its ready to face the compactor. Some cars are beautiful from the get-go. If you’re lucky enough to own such a car, well then good for you. Go easy on the mods lest you turn its natural beauty against it. Be conservative for a change. Your car is beautiful already; all it need is just a few more touches for it to look absolutely divine. Some blokes aren’t so lucky. For those that own stock cars that look better crushed, don’t lose hope. There are tons of aftermarket kits out there. But again, exercise restraint or you may end up with something looking worse than the original, if that’s possible. Choose your parts and kits wisely. Set limits man for crying out loud. Once it gets to the point that your car looks good already, stop. Going beyond that means you’re trying to build a float for the parade.