Whoa! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to put my thoughts down on this here blog. I guess I was having too good a time racing. I’ve been out almost every night looking for punks who want to lose their money. It’s not pride I just know I’m good. And I trust my car, heck with all of the time and money I’ve invested already, it better be damn trustworthy. So, I was racin’ and stuff and I just finally felt the need to slow down for a change. Man, if I go on like this every night it’s either my car or me that going to have problems. So, here I am facing the screen and not the road for a change. I’m actually in the market to look for a new car. I feel I’ve saved enough cash to get me a second ride. My car now is great but I don’t think my poor baby is going to take all the abuse it has to bear on a nightly basis. So, I think a second car will save it.
I’ve seen great new models from different brands. There’s the 2008 Ford Focus, 2008 Mazda MX-5 Miata, 2008 Dodge Charger (sweet) and a 2008 Infinity G37 coupe to name a few. But what seriously eyeing is the 2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS. Man oh man I fall in love with this car the moment its beautiful face popped-out on the webpage. Kudos to Mitsubishi for its impeccable styling and overall design! I never felt this excited since, well I got my first car. I’m sure with the right body and performance kits, I could have this baby looking and driving like a bona fide winner.
Pricing is good, it’s a bit more expensive than the Focus but it’s definitely cheaper than the rest of the abovementioned cars. Even though it’s cheaper, its specs are just about the same as the rest, save for the Infinity G37 which is way beyond. It may not be at the top of the heap when it comes to performance but its price and looks can’t be beat. And I’m sure that I could tune this car up to my standards. I mean, it always starts like this. You get a stock car with good potential, and the others get more expensive ones, but with the money you’ve saved on the cheaper model you could fit aftermarket kits on it to make go above and beyond the others.
Specs for the 2008 Eclipse are: 162 horsepower at 6000rpm run the 2.4L engine with 5 speed manual. Features include 4-wheel anti-lock brakes and seat mounted front side airbags.
But I really have to go back to its looks. For me this is the biggest selling point for this car. I liked the old eclipse’s distinct styling but I absolutely LOVE the new one. The model I saw had this pearlescent orange paint job and man was it an eye catcher. I rarely run out of things to improve on a car, but with the new eclipse’s look, there’s nothing I would change. Its backside looks a bit like the Nizzan 350Z, which is great because I also liked that part on the 350Z.
There are cars that you have to add loads of body mods for it to look worthy but this one, it only need a little lowering and skirts and it would be totally ready to go. Performance-wise, I think I need to add a few kits and tweak it a bit so I won’t look like a jack-ass losing to some punk. Its interiors are a bit bland though. Hmm… looks like I’m in for a bit of accessorizing. Carbon fiber will do wonders for it. Also, I like to have loud music pumping me up while I go circles around my rivals, so I think I might buy some amps and quality subs for it as well. Stock speaker just won’t cut it. I like my competitors to hear my music as well so they’ll know the song that lost them some cash.
Overall though, I think I’m set. All I need to do now is go to my bank, sign some papers, and then I’ll finally get to give this baby a new home in my garage. So, when you hear loud music coming up from behind you accompanied by roaring mufflers, give some space, it might be me in my new Mitsubishi Eclipse GS. Game on!